Samitivej Hospital’s Eye Clinic in Bangkok, Thailand

Samitivej Hospital’s Eye Clinic in Bangkok, Thailand

The human body is a complex structure of living and non-living components. Together they make up the entirety of the human organism. No-living components include things such as hair, nails and bone, whereas the body’s organs, of which there are 78, are all living components.

Some of these living components, or organs, are essential to life, such as the brain, the liver, the kidneys and the heart. However, not all of the body’s living organs are essential to life, but are essential if we think about the quality of life.

Our eyes are perhaps one of the most important living organs in the human body, but are not essential to life. But without them the quality of life is considerably affected in a negative way. Our eyes are our windows to the world. We take them for granted, to undertake even the most basic of functions.

We open our eyes in the morning and assume they will function. We work and play with total reliance on our sight, we gleam enjoyment from entertainment, the joy of seeing our loved ones and we look on in awe at mother nature, all thanks to our eyes.

Take away your ability to see and your entire life is turned upside down, and will never be the same again. Fortunately, going from sighted to entirely non-sighted in an instant is very rare. For most people the loss of sight comes through a slow deterioration over a number of years. This could be due simply to old age or as a result of other health issues.

Of all of life’s non-essential organs, the eyes are without doubt the most precious. As such, they deserve to be taken care of throughout our entire life. The eyes are delicate instruments which are very vulnerable to injury whilst also being at risk from other diseases within the body. So, taking care of the eyes requires skilled experts with an intricate understanding of these complex organs.

To give our eyes the care they deserve regular checkups and immediate treatment for any issues is essential, which requires a dedicated clinic that is committed to preserving eye health, and one that is staffed with a team of professionals second to none. Such a clinic can be found in Bangkok. Samitivej Hospital’s Eye Clinic is an established leader in the field and The capital’s most renown eye clinic.

The Samitivej Hospital Eye Clinic is a state of the art facility offering cutting edge treatment in the maintenance of, and restoration of, its clients eyesight, clients that visit the clinic from all over the world.

Be under no illusion, vision correction and eye care is a complicated science, one which is well understood by the experts at Samitivej Hospital, experts that undertake diagnostics and treatment that is second to none.

Samitivej Hospital’s Eye Clinic is equipped with, an almost embarrassing, array of state of the art equipment. This includes the fundus camera room which enables the physician to view and photograph the eye’s retina. There is the YAG and Argon laser rooms and the visual field analyzer and lens measurement room with a computerized visual field analyzer.

There is also high tech ophthalmic laser correction equipment and the most modern phacoemulsification machine which is an instrument specifically designed to break up and remove lenses of the eye that are affected by cataracts.

Routine Eye Checkups

Experiencing vision problems or not, everyone should undertake regular eye checkups. Having your vision regularly assessed by one of the clinic’s certified ophthalmologists allows for the early detection of ant deterioration in vision quality. Myopia (short sightedness) and hyperopia or hypermetropia (long sightedness) are, along with astigmatism, the most commonly detected issues.

Usually, with these diagnostics, eye glasses will be required, in such cases an accurate and detailed prescription for each eye will be prepared. However, the routine eye checkups do more than just inform a client of whether or not they need eye glasses. The skilled ophthalmologists at Samitivej Hospital are able to detect much more.

Not only are the eyes our windows to the world, they are also a window to the inner functioning of the body. Routine checkups by Samitivej’s skilled practitioners will detect the early signs of glaucoma, a condition which is on the increase. This increase is due to the world’s aging population, which itself, is due to more people having access to better medical facilities.

The early signs of cataracts will also be detected during a routine examination, another condition which is on the increase globally. Also, by being able to inspect the blood vessels at the back of the eye diabetes can also be detected. The ophthalmologist will also be able to detect other eye-related diseases, including pinguecula, pterygium

There are other health issues that can be detected, even before the client is aware of it, such as cardio vascular disease. These early detections are of great advantage to maintaining a person’s general health by dealing with health issues before they become excessively problematic.

Visual field testing is another vital element of diagnostics. This allows the ophthalmologist to evaluate how far the eye can see in any direction whilst focusing on a fixed point. It also shows the levels of sensitivity of vision in any part of the peripheral vision. Additionally, the visual field test can help to detect issues with the nervous system.

Specialist Eye Surgery

Over the 25 years that Samitivej Hospital’s Eye Clinic has been in practice the clinic has evolved with the advances in technology and techniques to be a world leader. Eye surgery has become routine and has an enviable level of success. As an example, the clinic undertakes cataract surgery with the process now having a 99% success rate.

Glaucoma surgery may be undertaken to stop further deterioration of vision where glaucoma medication and laser treatment has not been successful. Less common is strabismus corrective surgery. This is a procedure on the eye muscles to correct eye misalignment, commonly referred to as being cross-eyed. This procedure has a success rate of around 80%, equivalent to that of the UK and the US.

As with all of Samitivej Hospital’s dedicated clinics, their exemplary medical service is open not just to the local population, but to all foreign residents and to temporary visitors. With that in mind, the team of professionals and support staff are multi-lingual. The hospital also has translators on hand should language difficulties arise.




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